Mary-Janice 4pm on 26th April 2010, I dig & dig and found a GOLD but isn't Janson's gold
you wanna know what gold is that??
....EAR WAX.... hahaha~
below is the picture u can see the GOLD very hard to dig that out...cause I only can dig when he sleep...and u can imagine if u don't clean your ear, your ear wax will become like can see how big is that?? is only left ear... erwww
On his right ear still under construction..but not as bad at his left side..I think 8|
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3 Responses

  1. joshua Says:


    ew ew

    no comment on ear wax except that mommy is a good gold digger!

  2. richrach Says:

    wow! that's a really huge "gold"!