
(Left pic) Janson is driving (Right pic) "cond.."

(Left pic) 8) (Right pic) :)

(Left pic) Janson kiss mommy (Right pic) mommy kiss Janson

(Left pic) showing our tongue (Right pic) still showing...

(Left pic) Janson showing his tongue (Right pic) oh...

Janson having fun @HUKM while waiting for his turn...
His last consultation for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine & Polyvalent (Prevenar) it cost include consultation is RM330.00 ( O_o )
so now he still have last consult on December for his OPV & DPT/DT
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1 Response
  1. joshua Says:

    Nice photos of mommy and baby!

    Thank God that Janson is healthy and strong.

    Now waiting for Janson to drive legally...hehe...before that, mommy better get the driving license before Janson gets it!