
What a surprise gift..I really like it
I received on 22 April 2009..I know I posted late
When I received I thought is for Janson because last time u bought him 3 different clothes (click for previous blog). But is for me...

Vanessa, Thank you so much~
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2 Responses
  1. joshua Says:

    V thank God for Vanessa!

  2. chosenjade Says:

    dear MJ
    I really felt honoured that you put me up on your blog. I just thought that you said, you wanted to start a card business, and perhaps this will encourage you to do so. Cos you are creative and I know you always want to do a business on your own. I always wanted to be in the card business but until now was never serious about it. Well.. thanks again and know that you are important as well. if you want to take a peek on my creative blog, I have some ideas for card making