Have a good laugh!

How much would it cost to (telephone) call Malaysia from Hell? You'd be

Queen Elizabeth, Bill Clinton and Ahmad Badawi die and go to hell. But
the devil has only one phone there. Queen says, I miss my England , can I
use your phone and hear how my people are doing down there.

She calls and talks about five minutes. Then she asks: Well devil, how
much do I owe you for the call? The devil says: Five million pounds. She
writes him a cheque and goes back to her chair .

Clinton wants to make a call too. He says I wanna call the US . He talks
about ten minutes, then asks how much do I owe you devil? The devil says
Ten million dollars He also writes a cheque and goes back to his seat

Badawi is jealous. He says I want to call Malaysia . He calls and
talks for about an hour to his son-in-law who is busy trying to
find Mr.Petronas. Then he asks the devil how much do I owe you?

The devil replies: only one dollar. Badawi is shocked and asks
'why so little?'.

The devils says: if you make a call from one hell to another, IT'S LOCAL
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1 Response
  1. joshua Says:

    haha...not funny... 8D