The most expensive photo in soft copy some more...
Actually is Tesco Extra is promoting their stuff of course, they advice people to purchase RM50 and above in one receipt so you can get one FREE 4R photo on baby/kids (12 yrs old and below)
so as for us...we didn't manage to purchase anything but one of our neighbours purchase at Tesco Extra so ask for the receipt (since their kids all grown up already and not qualified to take anyway) We bring Janson to get a nice photo at the end too many photo he took are very nice so decided to get soft copy but the person said have to pay...that's how the money goes...bye bye money...
Anyway he joining baby contest pray that the judges see his picture will get 1st prizes...haha
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4 Responses
  1. Sheela Says:

    its very very nice MJ..i curi 2 to post on my blog(hope u dun mind)..coz he sooo cute..hehehe...i credit you in my blog already:)

  2. joshua Says:

    Yes...still expensive after discount.

  3. richrach Says:

    aiyo... Janson can be a model la when he grow up! hehehe...

    jo, how much was it?

  4. ya the end how much?